Thursday, November 29, 2007

How important is communication?

Thinking(yeah, I have these long stretches where it doesn't happen and then boom it all comes at once :)... Each of us live our individual lives, and the sad thing is we become content with it. Maybe sometimes we get this twisted view into our heads that the way things are is the way they were meant to be so let's just be content about it. But is it really that way?

I'm thinking mainly about our personal interactions throughout the day. Here's where I make good on the "promise" I made that I would put personal stuff up here. I find that from the moment I wake up to the moment my head hits the pillow at night: my interactions with people is quite limited. You know this could be related to the fact that I'm homeschooled, but I think maybe this is something all kinds of people may encounter.

We do our thing and think we're interfering in the lives of others if we interrupt them or something. I mean we may not say it out loud, "Um... I'm just going to pass you by and not say anything, because I'm afraid you won't respond, or that I'll be interfering in your life", but(personally, maybe I'm just a freak of nature) I sometimes think it. Are we too content with living our own lives? Do we truly care about other people?

If we truly care about someone, we should be able to show it, especially through verbal communication. Now, for some of us that interaction can be very limited throughout the week, which means that when we do see people we should be all the more ready and willing to participate in communication with other individuals. It just drives me crazy, and makes me mad at myself when I look someone in the eye and pass by them without saying a word, and know they feel the awkwardness just as bad.

There's circumstances of course, but I think maybe we come up with excuses when what we really should be doing is caring about another person enough to bring up meaningful conversation-which is more than just talking about the weather.

So, yeah, on one hand this post is mostly self-reflection; I just needed to write out my thoughts you know? It's something I need to work at: making opportunities to encourage my bros and siss in Christ, and be able to communicate more than a "How's it goin", "What's up?", "Cold day today eh?".


Heidi said...

hmmm... that's interesting. I have noticed too all the people you walk by in your day to day life that you never communicate with... I noticed it especially like at hymnsings and stuff when you actually do talk to people and you find out how many Christians there are and even just how many friendly people there are!

but on the other hand it is easy to always feel like you have to talk, like ot your friends, and then what you say isn't really worthwhile. I have that problem more than the other one I think.

Actually my main problem is shutting up. lol

Aaron said...

Yeah! I mean it's just so easy to not put as much effort into it as we should...

NP, I have the same prob... "shutting up" I mean... not saying you do, but I know I do :)

Rebecca said...

I feel the same way Aaron. Our pastor preached yesterday aft. on the importance of christian fellowship. I think it's something I really need to work on. Do you remember Rev. Bylsma's speach about the cloud of wittnesses? (Sem.#2)

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. Rom.12:10